Welcome to the
International Standardized Testing Organization

ISTO provides knowledge-based benchmark test on ISO management system standards with useful data analytics

Elevate your business to the next level

Foster consistent understanding of ISO MSS across all levels and deliver predictable outcomes   

Effectively implement MSS at strategic and operational levels

Enhance your organization's credibility and consistency

Verify comprehensive knowledge and competence, upskill employees

3 outcomes from an ISTO Test

1. Certificate of Achievement

Certification: for candidates who passed, a certificate of achievement which recognises the candidate's understanding of the respective standard at 1 of the 3 levels (Practitioner, Professional, Expert).

See a sample of the certificate here.

2. Analytics Report

Analysis: an analytics report which measures a candidate's level of understanding in the eight A C C U R A T E domains.

See a sample of the analytics report here.

3. Ranking 

Star Diagram: an overall percentile rank, together with a star diagram which provides a visual indication as to the candidate's strengths and development opportunities, as measured against the test population.

Learn more about how the star diagram works here.

Why choose ISTO Test 

For Organizations / Employers (MSS Team)

  • Foster consistent understanding of ISO MSS across all levels and deliver predictable outcomes
  • Effectively implement MSS at strategic and operational levels
  • Upskill employees 
  • Demonstrate training effectiveness
  • Facilitate recruitment

For Conformity Assessment Bodies / Training Organizations / Consultants

  • Enhance your organization's credibility and consistency
  • Differentiate your offerings in the market
  • Provide evidence to meet accreditation requirements
  • Verify comprehensive knowledge and competence 
  • Identify and bridge potential competence gaps

For Professionals

  • Facilitate professional development and career advancement
  • Instil confidence in your expertise 
  • Enhance competitiveness with a globally recognised qualification
  • Rank yourself against the test population
  • Identify and bridge potential competence gaps

Testimonials from Candidates

Taking the ISTO Test of Understanding was a wonderful exercise, requiring the analysis and interpretation of the standards in a natural and professional way. The cases presented varied from everyday routine situations right up to very technical questions, which makes the exam as globally applicable as the standards themselves. 
Alicia Robles Gomez
ISO 9000 and Standardization Manager, TELMEX Telefonos de Mexico, Mexico
ISTO was a very good test to evaluate my understanding of ISO9000. While working as a consultant and a registrar auditor, I have seen many misunderstandings about ISO9000 by quality staff, consultants, and even registrar auditors... Understanding the standards is a most important factor, and ISTO is making a success by deploying that purpose in its TESTs.
Nobuharu Hiyoshi
Independent Consultant / Sub-contracted Auditor, Tokyo, Japan
Very valuable for consultants in supporting and demonstrating their understanding of the important aspects of the changes.
David Underwood
Alan A Griffin & Associates, UK
The ISTO Test of Understanding is a significant first step towards identifying people who can help managers apply ISO 9000 in ways which create powerful management systems.
Jim Wade
The Business Improvement Network, UK
I found the ISTO TEST to be an excellent diagnostic tool to measure my level of understanding of the standards.
Jose Rico Alonso
CONOCER; National Council for the Standardization and Certification of Competence of the Workforce, Mexico

ISTO Tests are conducted online with in-person invigilation at the location of our Authorized Test Centre Partners and at the offices of our Strategic Partners

Your organization can organize ISTO tests for your staff at the convenience of your own office.

In the near term, we will offer ISTO test remotely with lockdown browser and human invigilation.

Ready to propel your company?

Make the next move with ISTO.
Try out the free trial test.